Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pool Update.

Okay, we are a month away from the trade deadline, and I just want to clear something up.  With your substitute players/injured reserve players -you can NOT trade a forward or defense-man for a goalie. I'm sorry if this wasn't made clear in one of my earlier lengthy e-mails/posts. The reasoning for this (hopefully this makes sense, it does in my head...but we all know how messed up that is) is that the potential point difference would be too much...but, a forward can play the point on a power play, or a D can move up and play the wing (Ian White, Byfuglien...etc)...Crosby doesn't go and replace Fleury....so let's keep skaters and goalies seperate positions -that said -if you took a goalie as one of your injured reserve players you can only trade him for another goalie.

Hopefully that clears things up.  Not trying to be a jerk, Not because I'm currently ahead by 4 points and following some evil plan I've been working on all summer, just trying to administer the pool. I've talked to a couple of people about this, and hopefully my reasoning is sound. Questions, comments and concerns can be directed to me via the suggestion box....ask me where that is.

Also, the first two trades of the pool season had a two-day delay this season. Was it a glitch or something I did wrong? I'm not sure, I'm not a physician - in fairness all other trades will be conducted in the same way.  My advice would be to check the schedule of your player's team and see when they are not playing. Then jump in your Delorean, e-mail me, and make your trade on Halloween when there were no games played by any team (no trades were made either).

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